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TAG Ventures cooperate with Dragon Kart

A strategic Partnership

With the goal of sustainable development and diversity services, TAG Ventures is pleased to announce that we will cooperate with Dragon Kart in terms of media. With a strong community, cross-platform communication channels and great influence in the cryptocurrency market, TAG Ventures will support Dragon Kart to expand market share and develop stronger in Vietnam market.

About Dragon Kart

Dragon Kart is a 3D racing e-sport game built on the Blockchain platform, with the characters in the game taken from a Pikalong series by a Vietnamese well-known artist named Thang Fly. Players can participate in dramatic races, and use their superior driving skills to earn various rewards and tokens from hard-earned victories. Gameplay of Dragon Kart is considered as an “arena” of life and death when it requires players to combine their driving skills with the use of individual character skills. In addition, on each track there will be “mystery boxes” with which participants will be allowed to receive a new weapon to help gain an advantage and win races.

Follow Dragon Kart’s social networks:

Telegram Channel | Group Chat | Twitter | Medium 

About TAG Ventures 

We are a venture capital fund. Besides searching potential projects and supporting projects right from the initial stage, TAG Ventures also has a professional Marketing and Operations Team to support partners in achieving maximum accessibility in Vietnam market.